
Chapter whatever, I've lost count already

Simple and complex.

Now this is a really difficult one to puzzle out, and since anthropology for the week is already over, its about time to start thinking about the answers.

Complex and simple.

Complex, complicated, confusing, cluttered coordinates. How will I use these to understand human social groups better? Well, lets see...

A complex society is one that I don't understand, a simple one is one I don't know I don't understand.

Well, philosophical standpoints are going to make me turn in circles it seems, so how does one understand a social setting?


The people sitting near me give me an odd look as I throw up my arms and grin.

The only way to understand society is by social interaction. I giggle to myself as I get up and start walking quickly, my fingers twitching.

I enjoy wiggling my fingers when I think, maybe it is a generalised connection between my fingers moving and my mind speaking.

I try not to talk to myself when thinking, but it happens quite often, maybe a psychoiconist will tell me i'm actually talking to my transdimensional pseudoego.

If that doesn't exist yet, it does now, so says I!

Only understanding anthroplogy through human contact, could be a difficult task, i'd better get some reading material.

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