
Genuine authentic 100% food

Whelp, the potato are all dead.

Thank goodness we have google brand 'In Real Life' Authentic food like substance to tell us how organic chemicals used to taste.


Sour cream cupcakes

Oven at 180C

Cream 123g butter, 230g caster sugar and 5mL vanilla essence together.

Add 2 eggs, or 3 small eggs if your chickens are being stingy.

Then throw in a cup of sour cream. Mix well.

Sift 2 cups self raising flour and a pinch of salt and fold into the goo.

Pour into cupcake shaped cooking devices and put delicious berries in the middle.

Bake for until cooked, maybe 15 minutes or 23 if your oven is leaky.

Eat them ok?

No picture the ones I baked already have left.


Corn bread

I have discovered a taste sensation.

Corn bread. Made by well...

Heat an oven to 220 degrees Celsius

Sift together:
1 cup self raising four
.5 teaspoon baking soda
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup cornmeal
Combine and beat:
1.5 cups yoghurt
2 eggs
3 tablespoons butter
Stir wet into dry quickly, put it in a greased tin and bake it 23-32 minutes in the oven.

Now here is the tricky bit.

Melt cheddar cheese on it, put Dijon mustard on that.

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