
Can of Tin

Counter culture is for those obsessed with calculators and maybe a few abacus enthusiasts included on the fringe.

Queensland and Melbourne university computers have unpleasant mac keyboards to persuade students to avoid using them.


At the pawn shop:

Distressing allusions to unshared nostalgia
Incomplete photo albums full of empty smiles
Silent moments seeped with unspoken judgement

Are not in stock.
Check back soon.

<3 Caz


Chocolate kindness

Price and perhaps quality determines how chocolate is advertised.

Cadbury, who to this date still use slave labor in harvesting their beans, use happy families and sharing chocolate between friends as the theme of their advertisements.

But then, when your milk block is practically white chocolate you can afford to be cheap and there is little wonder people are willing to share with tasteless fools and children.

And tasteless children.

Expensive chocolate is romantic, practically loving or at worst friendly and also selfish.

A phrase sticks with me; "too good to share".

Hold on, I'll do the google search.

Looks like they pissed off some indians with that slogan too. War, chocolate, whatever.

Cadbury; you can do better.

Come to think of it.

Chocolate; you can do better.

And do your best not think about Rand when you watch TV.

If you watch TV.

Try not to watch TV.


Too fast, too brutal

Care of some old lady who might be related to me:

Taken on a golf course:

Taken on the same golf course at a different time:

Found in a mall toilet stall:

God dammed bats:

This lizard is friendly, he bites my shoes while I drink coffee:

Bike when wet:

I get the feeling I need to shoot this door to open it: