
Bad bad bad

I move that the 2009 movie Bad Lieutenant take on a cult role similar to that of fear and loathing and that Nicholas Cage become the next Johnny Depp.

Without all that pirate bullshit of course, of course.


Dead Kennedys Australia

Draw the line, a government website and obscure ad campaign featuring squiggles acting vaguely offending by innuendo, has launched.

Since kongregate is allowing any riff raff to advertise over the top of their free or nearly free games, I have endured several iterations of this farce.

My curiosity piqued, I investigated. I was led to a .gov.au site too bland to be worth linking.

To sum it up, be abrasive and have a moral standpoint, draw a line and act confrontational if anyone insults the your creative talent in the field of unnecessary rules, laws and self righteousness.

The unwashed masses are already too confrontational and unpleasant to be around without inciting moralist bukkake; this will serve only to expedite the renovation of my ivory tower to include a library of ways a person can be indignant, self assured and wrong.

Why are you doing this to me government?


The awesome, the meh and the litigious

Close listening to Queen Bitch, by David Bowie reveals startling similarities to Mr. Brightside by The Killers.

I certainly hope nobody starts suing over wholesale theft of lyrics, baseline, melody, phrasing, lyrics again.

Of course, I wonder if it may just be an homage.



Weather watching

I sit.
I think.
The clouds become rain.
The rain becomes water.
I become wet.



You know what I am going to do?

Appologise for being horrible and disgusting and awful?

No, I was born that way, don't try to change me baby.