
My cat is beautiful; she is sitting on my lap cleaning herself

The only thing you can do for me.
Is the only thing you can do for yourself.
Trust ten thousand things to act
To know what it means to act and do so
"When your own heart asks."

Citizen Kane

Down the list is sin, which is highly enjoyable.

look don't touch
touch don't taste
taste don't tell
tell don't show
show don't look

Up the list is Righteousness, which is unpleasant.

Grandma knows the score.


You could build anything you liked because you had all the pieces that were just simple blocks.

But you put them together and made something complicated.

Building it was a lot of fun.

Figuring out how you wanted it

But then once you built it

You didn't have enough blocks left to build something else

So you either had to enjoy something you build

and that was it

or destroy it to build something new and have more fun

I think the same may be true with people

In order to have a relationship with someone for as long as you want, you have to sometimes destroy elements of it and rebuild them, if only so that you are still experiencing the fun of building

The best way to enjoy it is to ignore the rules, it won't look like what was on the box, but you'll enjoy it because it is unique and yours.


Coming to a plughole near you

This is the greatest country in the world

This is the greatest country in the world

This is the greatest country in the world

And I love you


This is the greatest country in the world

The boundless freedom of my heart in love requires walls
Wrap a flag around your brain; your naked intellect appalls

Free talk can turn free minds, from ignorance to hate
So stop your free thinking mind before it is too late

I do not want a mindless slave, obedient to me
I want a mindless slave to the land of liberty

I can't believe I took this picture