
Those of you working hard to make a living writing

"As long as we live, and whatever fate may have been assigned to us, or we have chosen, there is no doubt that the better the quality of our communication the more useful (and agreeable) to ourselves and others we will be and the longer we wil be remembered. He who does not know how to communicate, or communicates badly, in a code that belongs only to him or a few others, is unhappy, and spreads unhappieness around him. If he communicates badly deliberately, he is wicked or at least a discourteous person, because he imposes labour, anguish or boredom on his readers."

Primo Levi

Because it is quite clear to me that so many people in the world do not want to communicate for various reasons, I wonder at his wisdom.

That said, those who do want to, why do you fail so hard?

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