
Perhaps reality is softer than we pretend while awake.

Dreaming is a higher order function. Its use to an organism must be related to the limbic system, though whether this means emotion or higher order consciousness of a different nature it is as yet indeterminate.

Spinal paralysis allows disassociative rewiring of the peripheral nervous system. This implies memory access is dependent on state of the peripheral nervous system.

The regular pattern to dreaming state change does not imply absence of emotional content. Merely that memory storage and access is based on a pattern to which emotional context must conform.

The REM may be a random sensory input generator or perhaps a memory cue device?

Our consciousness interferes with recall while awake, hence reduced understanding and acceptance of perceptual reality.

The is testable by presenting excess stimuli, selecting that with am optic maintenance score of zero then testing presentation of stimuli post REM sleep.

If a significant response is found, it may be concluded that reconciliation of data occurs during REM eye position acting as cue to brain recognition.

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