She stood. 'Then it is settled' said she, 'I shall go to find the object that will remove desire'.
It was not settled, other's grumbled and griped.
'Why, what for?'.
'Is there a purpose or do you just want to do something?'
She sad down, pondering.
'If I do find it, I will stop wanting it. Then I will be at peace.'
'and then what?'
'I don't and can't know'
'more peace?'
'Doing something is better than doing nothing.'
The others made farting sounds that meant 'why?'
'Doing nothing is oft better than anything. At least when you do nothing, nobody gets hurt'
There was no need to say that was not her intent; accidents could happen and she knew outcomes rarely had any connection with intent.
'Where would you look?' a cautious voice inquired.
'I would start by asking the smartest person I know'
'You wouldn't understand what they told you, if they even answered your question'.
'Then I'll ask the most honest person I know'.
'Their answer would insult and upset you'.
'The most straightforward person then'.
'Good idea, if you know who that is'.
Her shoulder's sunk; she did not know, no one could.
'Maybe I'll use my intuition'.
'Maybe you already are'.
'Oh, okay'.
There was a long pause, while nobody said anything of consequence.
'It can't be too big, or someone would have found it already'.
'Or too small, significant, but not obvious'.
'If you know what it is, why are you looking for it?'
'I don't'
'Then how will you find it'
'I know what desire is!'
'You already have that'
'Then I'l look for the opposite'.
'You couldn't find the opposite of red, what makes this different?'
'I'm sure it was there, somewhere. I am just not good at color.'
'But you're good with desire? Don't answer that!'
'okay fine, something surrounded by a lack of desire?'
'something ugly?'
'something disgusting?'
'something boring?'
'No, all those things have opposites and provide contrast. It has to be something I feel nothing about'.
'Does it have to be something?'
'Yeah, we've got plenty of nothing'.
'It can't be that obvious can it?'
'Why not?'