

I adored my cousin.

Now she is dead.

So it goes.


We make soap.

Journey past homeostasis.
Where obtuse and acute reflect.
Further than human thought.
Fast as beading sweat.

Clouds part revealing light.
Every signal seems a call.
Feel the pulsing movement.
This is the human animal.

The tastes confuse the eye,
and smells the mouth and nose.
Every sense is senseless,
and every stance a pose.

Severed or alone?
Without bounds or free?
Dead or merely sleeping?
Fear or mystery?

Breathless still and dull,
you are a little late.
Atop the second highest rock,
I sit and meditate.


Yesterday was not so good a day.

Maybe today will be better.

children for sad pictures


Strong moral compass interferes with ability to party

My predictions for future olympic games:

2012: London - A dragon eats all the swiss press.
2016: Mexico City - might as well, the entire world is a desert now.
2020: France - Any team that reaches France is considered a winner, all others are zombie food.
2024: Neo Beijing - No torch run, no Tibet, no events, no watching, no talking about it.
2028: Bendigo - they just wanted it more
2032: Evil Tokyo - race to gain access to the last nuclear device on earth.
2036: Hershey, PA - time machine event opened allowing athletes to interfere with the past to alter the outcomes of other games
2000 - time paradox